A Visit from Avis

A 32 bar Strathspey for 3 couples in a three couple set (3 by 32 bars Strathspey)

Written after a visit to Northland by Avis Harrison
Devised by Eddy West 2004.

1-4All set, first and third couples petronella into the centre while second lady casts off and second man casts up.
5-8First and third couples set and change places with right hand while second couple cross, lady between threes, man between twos and cast into second place, opposite sides.
9-16All dance a modified Corners Pass and Turn
 9-10 First and third couples pass partners by right then first man and third lady turn with right hand and first lady and third man loop right to face up and down.
 11-12First and third couples pass partners by right then first lady and third man turn with right hand to face own sides and first man and third lady loop right to face up and down.
 13-16 First lady and third man repeat this movement with second couple. Finish first lady facing second man, third man facing second lady
17-20Dance a half reel of four across the dance. Finish facing own partners
21-24First and third couples dance a half reel of four up and down the dance.
25-28First and third couples turn with right hands to own sides.
29-32Third and second couples set and link.

Repeat with a new couple leading.

Music: "The Gordonian Strathspey"

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