The Fronds

A 32 bar Strathspey for three couples in a three couple triangular set.
Bars 9-16 represent fern fronds uncurling.

Devised by Eddy West 2000.

1-4Set to partners and turn with both hands, opening out to form a circle.
5-8Dance six hands round two thirds of the way round, finish facing partners.
9-12Set to partners and turn with both hands. (Keep close to partners in this turn)
13-16Dropping hands and moving slightly apart continue as if turning with both hands ¾ of the way round then dance back to original places, lady continuing around to follow man.
17-20Set and link with partners, men finish facing out.
21-22Ladies dance on to the next ladies place to the right (where the next man is at the end of the set and link) while the men loop around to the right to original places.
23-24Men half turn, with both hands, the lady who has danced to meet them, all face in.
25-28All set and link with the person they just turned, ladies finish facing out.
29-30Men dance on to the next ladies place while ladies loop round to where they started the set and link.
31-32Ladies half turn, with both hands, their partner who has danced to meet them, face partners ready to begin again.

Repeat from new positions (3,1,2).

Suggested Music: "The Cramond Wedding" recorded by Muriel Johnstone for "15 Social Dances by Roy Goldring"

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