A Jig for Janette

32 bar jig for three couples in a triangular set.

For Janette Johns a teacher at Whangarei Club who loves traditional tunes and dances.

1-8 First couple set and dance down between second and third couples, divide and cast up round them to place.
9-12 All set and ladies, taking nearer hands with partner, dance right hands across a third of the way round, finishing in triangular formation.
13-16 All set and men, taking nearer hands with partner, dance left hands across a third of the way round back to place.
17-20 All set to and turn partners with right hands.
21-24 All set to and turn corners with left hands.
25-32 All dance a grand chain right round.

Repeat from same positions with second and then third couple leading.

Suggested recorded music : "At the Top of the Hill", recorded by David Hall on "Reel Friends Volume Two"

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