Vice Versa

40 bar reel for four couples in a longwise set.
Third and fourth couples start from the opposite side.

Devised as an item for a "Vice Versa" Ceilidh.
Devised by Eddy West July 2001.

1-4 First and second couples, and at the same time third and fourth couples, advance setting diagonally to touch hands in a square then petronella turn on to the next place on their right (first and fourth ladies, second and third men cross the set while first and fourth men, second and third ladies move up or down on the sides).
5-8 All set to partners on the sides and turn with right hands a little over or under half way to finish in a St Andrews cross formation, ladies back to back in the middle.
9-24 All dance a double diagonal Celtic Reel.
 9-10 All change places with partner passing right shoulder.
 11-12 Ladies dance clockwise a quarter of the way round while men dance round one another passing left shoulder ¾ of the way to face partners.
 13-14 All change places with partner passing right shoulder.
 15-16 Men dance clockwise a quarter of the way round while ladies dance round one another passing left shoulder ¾ of the way to face partners.
 17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 back to position as at bar 8.
25-26 All change places with partners passing right shoulder, do not turn to face partners.
27-28 All set turning by the right, ladies move to the end positions of a longwise set, men stay close to one another, first and second men facing up, third and fourth men facing down.
29-32 Men dance out the end nearest and cast round into sidelines beside their partners.
33-36First and second couples, and at the same time third and fourth couples, advance setting diagonally to touch hands in a square then petronella turn on to the next place on their right (first and fourth men, second and third ladies cross the set while first and fourth ladies, second and third men move up or down on the sides).
37-40 First and fourth couples set and dance half right hands across.

Repeat from new positions (2,4,1,3) second and fourth couples are on opposite sides. All will dance following instructions for opposite sex. The dance can be done two or four times through depending on taste and energy.

Recorded music for 4 times through: "Set of Reels" recorded by the Danelaw Band on the CD "Strictly Scottish Vol 1"

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