The Whangarei Whirlwind

A four by 32 bar Strathspey in a Longwise set

For Fiona Bullivant who shares teaching at the Whangarei Scottish Country Dance Club. Fiona has boundless energy and among many other gifts as a teacher can really make the Tourbillon flow.
Devised by Eddy West 2000.

1-2First couple set to second couple.
3-4First and second ladies and at the same time first and second men turn with the right hand.
5-8First and second couples dance half a reel of four across, first man and second lady pass left shoulders to begin.
9-12All dance half reels of four on the sides.
13-16Third and fourth couples dance half reels of four across, fourth man and third lady pass left shoulders to begin.
17-24Third and fourth couples, first and second couples dance the Tourbillon. (All start and finish on opposite sides.) Instructions are for first and second couples, third and fourth couples dance similarly.
 17-18 First & second couples turn partners with both hands then first woman drops her left hand to lead her partner down the ladies side. At the same time second man drops his left hand to lead his partner up the men's side.
 19-20 First couple set to second couple.
 21-22 First & second couples turn partners with both hands then first man drops his left hand to lead his partner to fourth place. At the same time second woman drops her left hand to lead her partner to third place. All on own sides
 23-24 First and second couples cross giving right hand to partner.
25-26All Set.
27-28Fourth, second and first couples cross, giving right hand, fourth and second couples remain facing out, while third couple half turn with right hands and remain within the set.
29-32Fourth, third and second couples dance half reels of three on the sides third lady dancing down and third man dancing up to give left shoulders to second lady and fourth man respectively.

Repeat from new positions.

Suggested Music: "The Dancing Dominie" Lothian Band, Highlander 10.

(Collins Gem French-English Dictionary: Tourbillon = Whirlwind)

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